How to break out of a creative rut

Ever find yourself staring at a blank screen, fingers poised over the keyboard, but the content ideas just won't flow? Don't worry, we've all been there. Creativity can be a fickle friend, but fear not, I've got some tricks up my sleeve to help you break free from that pesky creative rut.

  1. Step away from the screen

    Sometimes, the best thing you can do when you're feeling stuck is to step away from your laptop, tablet and phone. Take a walk, grab a coffee, have a nap, go to a gallery or listen to a podcast. Getting some fresh air and clearing your mind can work wonders for sparking inspiration. I  often find a change of scenery gets the ideas flowing.

  2. Dive into your archives

    Take a trip down memory lane and revisit some of your past content. Is there anything you can repurpose, update or expand upon? Maybe there's a topic you touched on briefly that deserves a deeper dive. Recycling content not only saves time but can also breathe new life into old ideas. I recently updated a blog I wrote about Instagram Notes because new features have been added since I wrote it. Have a look at your platform data to see which were your top performing posts in terms of reach and engagement. Is there a theme or pattern to that content? Create more!

  3. Get brainstorming

    Grab a (fancy) notebook and pen, all your pretty post it notes, light a candle and start jotting down any and every idea that comes to mind relating to your business and what’s going on in your life. Don't worry about whether they're good or bad, just let your creativity flow. You never know what gem might emerge. When you’ve finished the first go, have a look back and cross out anything you’re not drawn to or feel you’ve already done. You should now have some fresh content ideas to explore.

  4. Find inspiration in others

    Don't be afraid to draw inspiration from the world around you. Follow other creatives in your niche, read books, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts and attend in-person events. Sometimes, a fresh perspective is all it takes to kickstart your imagination.

  5. Get experimental

    Shake things up by trying something new. Whether it's experimenting with a different content format, exploring a new platform or collaborating with others, stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and get you in front of a fresh audience.

  6. Ask the audience

    Your audience is a goldmine of inspiration. Reach out to them through polls, surveys or DMs to find out what content they want to see. Not only does this provide valuable insights, but it also boosts a sense of community and connection as they feel part of your journey and creative process.

  7. Give yourself a break

    Always remember to be kind to yourself. Creative ruts happen to the best of us and beating yourself up over it won't help. Take a deep breath, remind yourself that it's okay to not always have the answers and trust that inspiration will strike when the time is right. You’ve got this!

So there you have it, my top tips for breaking out of a creative rut and reigniting your marketing mojo. Remember, creativity is a journey not a destination, so just go with the ups and downs along the way and don’t be afraid to mess up. Our biggest learnings or inspiration sometimes come from messy situations. Your next big idea is waiting for you just around the corner – I know it!

If you’ve enjoyed reading this or you have any tips for sparking creativity let me know in the comments or drop me an email here.


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